Emile Zola and Naturalism 5th International Film Festival
October 7-9, 1999
hosted by City College of San Francisco
Organizers: Prof. Anna Gural-Migdal, President of the AIZEN, (University of Alberta, Canada)
Section A 10:15-11:45 AM, Science 121 American Naturalist Cinema and Literature Drew Limsky (New York University, USA), "Sexual Warfare in Naturalist Cinema: The Films of Todd Solondz and Neil LaBute" Monty Kosbial Ernst (Fairfield University, USA), "Beyond the Limitations of Form: Dreiser from Sister Carrie to An American Tragedy" Lawrence Hussman (Wright State University, USA), "Doomed Desire and Existential Ethics in American Fiction from Naturalism to Postmodernism" 11:45-1:00 PM LUNCH AND OPENING SPEECHES: Robert Singer, Vice President of the AIZEN Jacquelyn W. Green, Chair, Foreign Language Department, City College of San Francisco Bruce Smith, Dean, School of Liberal Arts, City College of San Francisco Emmanuel Delloye, Consulat Général de France, San Francisco Anna Gural-Migdal, President of the AIZEN Section B 1:15-2:15 PM, Room 301 The Dreyfus Affair Eric Cahm (Université de Tours, France), "Zola, the Dreyfus Affair and North American Opinion in 1898" Lorraine Beitler (Beitler Family Foundation, USA), "An American Theatrical Response to the Dreyfus Affair from the Collections of the Beitler Family Foundation" Section C 2:15-3:45 PM, Room 301 Zola after Les Rougon-Macquart Evlyn Gould (University of Oregon, Eugene, USA), "Educating Consumers in Au Bonheur des Dames and Vérité" Renée Kingcaid (Saint Marys College, USA), "Of Polars and Polarités: The Creation of the Citizen-Reader in Zolas Vérité" Katrina Perry (University of Richmond, USA), "Lencre et le lait: Writing the Future in Fécondité" 3:45-4:00 PM BREAK Section D 4:00-5:30 PM, Room 301 Spanish Naturalism Fernando Barroso (James Madison University, USA), "La Pardo Bazan y su vision del Naturalismo" Gayle Roof Nunley (University of Vermont, USA), "Modelling French Culture in Blasco Ibáñezs Early Works" Duane Hodges Bell (University of Arizona, USA), "Observaciones sobre el naturalismo zoliano en Arroz y tartana de Vicente Blasco Ibáñez" 5:30-6:00 PM SPECIAL PRESENTATION, Room 301 Tribute to Monique Fol
Section E (Thursday, October 7) 10:15-11:45 AM, Bungalow 617 Sue, Hugo, and Zola Rosemary Peters-Crick (Harvard University, USA), "Origins of the Criminal Species: Sue to Zola" Marie-Sophie Armstrong (Lehigh University, USA), "Intertexte et Psychotexte: Zola, Hugo et Germinal" Bernadette Lintz (Colgate University, USA), "De Nox à Lux: parcours parodiques hugoliens dans Nana" 11:45-12:45 PM LUNCH Section F 1:15-2:15 PM, Room 304 Screen Adaptations of Zolas Novels
Jennifer K. Wolter (Ohio State University, Columbus, USA), "Viewing Au Bonheur des Dames in the context of Occupied France" Katherine Golsan (University of the Pacific, USA), "From Theater to Cinema: Jean Renoirs Nana (1926)" Section G 2:15-3:45 PM, Room 304 New Critical Approaches to Zolas Fiction Scott Sprenger (Brigham Young University, USA), "The Logic of Failed Union in Zolas Thérèse Raquin" Silvia Iankova (University of Toronto, Canada), "La Figure de la machine dans La Bête humaine" Mihaela Marin (Ohio State University, Columbus, USA), "La ville structuraliste de Zola: urbanisme et architecture romanesque dans LAssommoir" 3:45-4:00 PM BREAK Section H 4:00-5:30 PM, ROOM 304 Mother and Child in Zolas Text Yvonne Bargues-Rollins (North Carolina State University, USA), "Il était une fois un pauvre homme: Le Ventre de Paris" Leslie Ann Minot (University of California, Berkeley, USA), "Dangerous Witnesses: Zolas Children" Carmen Mayer-Robin (University of Oregon, Eugene, USA), "The Formidable Flow of Milk Le Docteur Pascal and Fécondité: Two Feminine Allegories for the République en Marche" Naturalist Film Festival 6:45-9:45 PM, Room 301 Regeneration (Raoul Walsh, 1915, USA, 72 min) This nearly lost silent film, which has been beautifully restored, is a grim and realistic look into the lives of the inhabitants of old New York--immigrants, drunkards, criminals--and slum environments. Based on the autobiography of a turn-of-the-century gangster, Regeneration occasionally lapses into the formula-melodrama, yet it is justifiably read as a seminal Naturalist silent film text for its insistence on milieu and character. Mamma Roma (Pier Paolo Pasolini, 1962, Italy, 110 min) In this rare and censored film, Magnani stars as an ex-prostitute trying to escape her past and build a new life for herself and her teenage son. The city of postwar Rome tempts her son into a life of criminal behavior, and then her ex-pimp returns. One of the best postwar Naturalist film texts!
FRIDAY, OCTOBER 8 Section I 8:30-10:00 AM, Room 301 Zola and the Visual Novel Susan Barrow (CUNY Graduate Center, USA), "Zolas Images of the Parisian Floating World: the Japoniste Landscape of Une Page damour" Jurate Kaminskas (Queens University, Canada), "La Débâcle pour une représentation de la guerre de 1870" Jack D. Street (Beloit College, USA), "The Cinematic, the Visual and Scarcely perceptible Movements in Emile Zolas La Bête humaine" 10:00-10:15 AM BREAK Section J 10:15-11:45 AM, Room 301 Panel: Indigestible Texts: the Trouble with Naturalism Michelle Koenen (New York University, USA), "Uncovering Zolas Banquets" Elizabeth Emery (Montclair State University, USA), "Dying to taste: Ambiguous Appetites in Zolas Rome" Juliana Starr (Christian Brothers University, USA), "Voracious Vixens: Women and Culinary Problems in Three Novels by J.-K. Huysmans" 11:45-12:45 PM LUNCH Section K 12:45-1:15 PM Special Presentation: Jack London
Guest Speaker: Jeanne Campbell Reesman (University of Texas, San Antonio, USA), "Socialism and Race in the Fiction of Jack London" Section L 1:15-3:15 PM, Room 301 Critical Reception of Zolas Work Chantal Morel (Institut Français de Londres, UK) "Fécondité. A Fruitful Reception in the UK?" Denise Merkle (Université de Moncton, Canada), "Quel fut lapport de Nana en expurgation victorienne au système littéraire britannique?" Francis Lacoste (Université de Sousse, Tunisia), "Barbey dAurevilly lecteur de Zola: une dénonciation ambiguë?" Zlitni Hichem (Université de Sfax, Tunisia), "Zola vu par Flaubert: une admiration nuancée" 3:15-3:30 PM BREAK
Section M 3:30-5:00 PM, ROOM 301 Hispanic Naturalism Ellen Mayock (Washington and Lee University, USA), "Naturalist Ambience in Zolas LAssommoir and Gamboas Santa" Oswaldo Voysest (Beloit College, USA), "Love and Self-Denial in Mercedes Cabellos Las Consecuencias: An Exemple of Sentimentality and Racial Divide in Peruvian Naturalism" John Paul Spicer-Escalante (Hope College, USA), "Naturalisms Paradigms of Self and Nationhood in Eugenio Cambaceres Sin rumbo"
Section N 8:30-10:00 AM, Room 304 Zolas Influence on Naturalist Writers around the World
Marie-Françoise Delaneuville-Shideler (Carleton University, Canada), "Persuasion et dysfonction familiale dans Le Docteur Pascal dEmile Zola, et Jennie Gerhardt de Theodore Dreiser" James C. Madden (University of Illinois, Urbana, USA), "Enfants terribles: Figures of Transgression in Emile Zola and Marie-Claire Blais" Gilbert Darbouze (Bloomsburg University, USA), "La Prostituée et le Ministre: Transgression et châtiment dans Nana dEmile Zola et Le Bel immonde de Vumbi-Yoka Mudimbé" 10:00-10-15 AM BREAK Section O 10:15-11:45 AM, Room 304 History, Ideology, Utopia and Politics in Zolas Work Ada Giusti (Montana State University, Bozeman, USA), "La misère humaine dans loeuvre de Zola: Histoire du XIXème siècle ou histoire contemporaine?" Gary Smith (University of Toronto, Canada), "Zola and the Polemical Approach to Law Reform" Jean-Philippe Mathy (University of Illinois, Urbana, USA), "La mémoire du dreyfusisme: Zola, Bourdieu et la République" 11:45-12:45 PM LUNCH
Section P 1:15-3:15 PM, Room 304 French and American Naturalist Writers: Urban Discourse and Representation Ian F. Roberts (Missouri Western State College, USA), "Un/Civil Discourse: Jack Londons Representation of the City" Isabelle Schaffner (Université de Paris III, France), "The City as Matter in Movement in La Curée and The Pit" Mary E. Wolf (New Mexico State University, USA), "Workers and Immigrants in Fin-de-Siècle France: Zolas Goutte dor" Amy Reid (New College of the University of South Florida, USA), "Talking Back: The Voices of Working-class Women in Huysmans Naturalist Novels" 3:15-3:30 PM BREAK Section Q 3:30-5:00 PM, ROOM 304 The Representation of Women in French Naturalist Fiction Elizabeth Lanois (Maryville College, USA), "Spatial Limits: Emile Zolas La Curée" Carolyn Snipes-Hoyt (University of Alberta, Canada), "La femme cuirassée chez Zola et Huysmans" Christian Mbarga (Johns Hopkins University, USA), "Hommes et femmes: lenjeu du pouvoir dans les Rougon-Macquart"
6:30-7:30 PM AIZEN COCKTAIL, The Argent Hotel
Special Presentation: "Le triptyque Emile, Alexandrine et Jeanne" 7:30 PM CONFERENCE SUPPER, The Argent Hotel
SATURDAY, OCTOBER 9 Section R 9:00-10:30 AM, Room 301 Beyond Naturalism Leonard R. Koos (Mary Washington College, USA), "Touchy Subjects: Naturalist Influence and/or Naturalist Parody in Paul Bonnetainss Charlot samuse..." Philippe Chavasse (Southern Illinois University, USA), "Deux points de vue "décadents" sur le Naturalisme: Bourget et Wilde" Didier Maleuvre (University of California, Santa Barbara, USA), "Philosophy in a Naturalist Setting" 10:30-10:45 AM BREAK Section S 10:45-11:45 AM, Room 301 Au Bonheur des Dames Revisited Holly Woodson Waddell (Northwestern University, USA), "Au Bonheur des Dames: La misère en robe de soie" Eleanor Salotto (Sweet Briar College, USA), "Shopping for an I: Zolas the Ladies Paradise and the Spectacle of Identity"
Naturalist Film Festival 12:45-1:30 PM, Room 301 A Naturalist film about a black teenage girl living in a housing project in contemporary Brooklyn. Her experiences in school, on the street, and by herself reveal a complex and contradictory disposition. The performances and location shots in Harriss film are powerful! 12:45-2:30 PM, Room 304Gravesend (Salvatore Stabile, 1997, USA, 90 min) This recent Naturalist urban film text is fiercely original and detailed; it takes Scorseses Mean Streets one block further. Produced in the white ghettos of Brooklyn, Gravesend examines the lives of the working-class, disaffected youth of the other "hood." The introduction of drugs, violence, and a criminal code of conduct underscores the aimlessness of the lives of these four young men.
Section T (Saturday October 9) 9:00-10:30 AM, Room 304 Panel: German Naturalism
Astrid Weigert (Georgetown University, USA), "Gender-Arts-Science: Elsa Bernsteins Critique of Naturalist Aesthetics" Jennifer Askey (Washington University, USA), "I read it secretly: Clara Viebigs Struggle with Naturalism" Robert B. McFarland (University of California, Berkely, USA), "From Zolas Milieu to Zilles Milljoeh: Berlin and the spaces of Naturalism" 10:30-10:45 AM BREAK 10:45-11:45 AM, Room 304 Panel: German Naturalism (continued) Kerstin Gaddy (Catholic University of America, USA), "Contemporary Reality in Hauptmanns Vor Sonnenaufgang: Helens Struggle for Emancipation" Norman Roessler (University of Pennsylvania, USA), "Exploring the Dynamics of Wax-Work Cabinets: Naturalist Theater and the Bourgeois Carnavalization of History" 11:45-12:45 PM LUNCH
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