Emile Zola and Naturalism 7th International Film Festival
October 4-6, 2001
Sponsored by: French Institute for Culture and Technology, University of Pennsylvania Hosted by: Department of Romance Languages, University of Pennsylvania
Organizers: Organizer-in-chief: Anna Gural-Migdal (University of Alberta, Canada)
THURSDAY, OCTOBER 4 8:00-9:00 AM REGISTRATION, 9:00-9:30 AM OPENING SPEECHES, Robert Singer, Vice President of the AIZEN Joseph Farrell, Associate Dean of the School of Arts and Sciences, University of Pennsylvania Carlos J. Alonso, Chair of the Dept. of Romance Languages, University of Pennsylvania Maurice Samuels, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Romance Languages, University of Pennsylvania Jean H. Gallier, Director, French Institute for Culture and Technology, University of Pennsylvania Anna Gural-Migdal, President of the AIZEN SECTION A 9:30-11:30 AM, Ben Franklin Room Figures of Science and Degeneracy in Zola's Work Robert S. April (Mount Sinai School of Medicine, USA): "L'influence de la médecine au dix-neuvième siècle sur le naturalisme de Zola" Christian Mbarga (Johns Hopkins University, USA): "Zola et la culpabilité. Le cas de l'inceste dans Le Docteur Pascal et La Curée" Daryl Lee (Brigham Young University, USA): "Zola's Uncanny Paris: Commune Resurgence" Katrina Perry (University of Richmond, USA): "Beyond Visual Representation or 'la hantise du sang contaminé' in Selected Novels of Les Rougon-Macquart" 11:45 AM-1:00 PM LUNCH SECTION B 1:15-1:45 PM, Ben Franklin Room Special Presentation : The Dreyfus Affair Guest Speaker: Eric Cahm "Brave Champion of Truth or Insulter of the French Army? The View of Zola in France after 'J'accuse...!'" SECTION C 1:45-3:15 PM, Ben Franklin Room Emile Zola and Ethnicity Evlyn Gould (University of Oregon at Eugene, USA): "Race, Culture, 'Truth': The 'Jews,' the Intellectuals, and the Dreyfus Affair" Jeremy D. Worth (University of Western Ontario, Canada): "Les damnés de la terre: Germinal et l'ethnicité de l'ouvrier" Camille Collins (Columbia University, USA): "Zola's Bohemians" 3:15-3:30 PM, BREAK SECTION D 3:30-5:30 PM, Ben Franklin Room Panel: Uncontainable Bodies: Adulteresses, Androids, Androgynes, and Vampires in European and South American Literature José Antonio Ramos (Boston College, USA): "Revenge of 'The
Vampire': The Mad Scientist's Creation of the Femme Fatale in a
Short Story by Horacio Quiroga"
Juliana Starr (Christian Brothers University, USA): "The Two Faces of Eve: Villiers's Response to Zola's La Faute de l'abbé Mouret"
Sayeeda Mamoon (Edgewood College, USA): "The Medusa's Revenge: Female Spectation, Visual Transgression, and Body Politics in Oscar Wilde's Salomé and the Beardsley Illustrations"
Juan Spicer Escalante (Oakland University, USA): "The Mater Patria: Adultery and the Adulteress in Lucio Vicente López' La gran aldea (1884)"
5:45-6:45 PM Exhibit from the Lorraine Beitler Collection:
SECTION E 9:30-11:30 AM, Golkin Room Other Naturalist Genres Jennifer K. Wolter(Ohio State University, USA): " Les soirées de Médan: Naturalist Manifesto or the Beginning of the End of the Médan Group?" Jelena Jovicic(University of Western Ontario, Canada): "Une correspondance triangulaire: Zola-Baille-Cézanne" Holly Haahr (Yeshiva University, USA): "Arthur Rimbaud: Forefather of Naturalist Poetry?" Hélène M. Julien (Colgate University, USA): "(Se) peindre, (s')écrire: le journal de Marie Bashkirtseff" 11:45-1:00 PM LUNCH SECTION F 1:45-3:15 PM, Golkin Room Special Session: Les Quatre Evangiles Leonard Koos (Mary Washington College, USA): "To Be or Not To Be: The Politics of Depopulation and Emile Zola's Fécondité " Michel Berta (North Carolina School of the Arts, University of North Carolina, USA): "La femme dans Fécondité et Paris au XXème siècle" Chantal Morel (Institut Français de Londres, England): "To Be or Not To Be: The French System of Education in Vérité" 3:15-3:30 PM BREAK SECTION G 3:30-5:30 PM, Golkin Room Religious Aspects of Naturalist Fiction Olga Kronmeyer (Liberty University, USA): "God's Servants in Zola's 'Priests and Sinners'" Louisa Rice (Rutgers University, USA): "Gods and Monsters: Symbolism in Emile Zola's Political and Fictional Work" Kristof Haavik (University of Bostwana, Bostwana): "Zola and Teilhard de Chardin: Unexpected Parallels" Agnes A. Shields (Chestnut Hill College, USA): "Religion as Trope in the Naturalistic Novels of George Moore: Mummer's Wife, A Drama in Muslin, and Esther Waters" Naturalist Film Festival 6:45-11:00 PM, Golkin Room Dawn of the Dead (George Romero, 1979, USA, 140 min., in English) This strange film about zombies in a suburban mall features shopping as a carnivorous activity. Would Zola recognize the potential milieu? Martin (George Romero, 1976, USA, 100 min., in English) This production shows a young man suffering from an identity crisis. He believes he is a vampire and goes about proving it to the world. Another location film by the master from Pittsburgh!
FRIDAY, OCTOBER 5 SECTION H 8:30-10:00 AM, Class of '49 Auditorium Panel: Thérèse Raquin Servanne Woodward (University of Western Ontario, Canada): "Thérèse Raquin et le Wunderbolock" Philippe Basabose (University of Western Ontario, Canada): "La science dans Thérèse Raquin: du prétexte au pré-texte" Rohini Bannerjee (University of Western Ontario, Canada): "Hors du mythe exotique: Thérèse Raquin et ses tactiques" 10:00-10:15 AM BREAK SECTION I 10:15-12:15 PM, Class of '49 Auditorium Naturalism, Regionalism, and Race Iole Checcone (Youngstown State University, USA): "Ethnically Correct, Rossomalpelo: Giovanni Verga's Emblem of Child Labor" Anne-Simone Dufief (Université de Paris X, France): "Nord et Midi dans l'uvre romanesque de Daudet" Pierre Dufief (Université de Bretagne Occidentale, France): "La pensée de la race chez les Goncourt: xénotypes et stéréotypes" Jeanne Campbell Reesman (University of Texas at San Antonio, USA): "Jack Johnson, Jack London, and 'The Great White Hope'" 12:15-1:15 PM LUNCH SECTION J 1:15-2:00 PM, Class of '49 Auditorium Special Presentation: Zola the Novelist Guest Speaker: Naomi Schor (Yale University, USA): "Visualizing Zola" SECTION K 2:00-4:00 PM, Class of '49 Auditorium Women in Naturalist Fiction Carol Rifelj (Middlebury College, USA): "'Les cheveux tombés, les épaules nues': Women's Hair in Zola's Novels" Jurate Kaminskas (Queen's University, Canada): "Le devenir de la femme: Frapié disciple de Zola?" Holly Woodson Waddell (Northwestern University, USA): "'Qui l'a mise nue?': Solving the Riddle of the Sphinx in La Curée" Ellen Mayock (Washington and Lee University, USA): "Naturalism and Feminism in Nosotros, los Rivero by Dolores Medio" 4:00-4:15 PM BREAK SECTION L 4:15-6:15 PM, Class of '49 Auditorium Zola's European Contemporaries in Naturalism Elizabeth Amann (University of Chicago, USA): "Cinderella at Macy's: Zola to Galdós" Marisa Perez-Bernardo (Catholic University of America, USA): "Pardo Bazán: A Step Further from Naturalism" Steven Amarnick (Kingsborough Community College, USA): "Trollope and Naturalism: The Late Experimental Novels" Molly Youngkin (Ohio State University, USA): "'She bore her degradations...': Woman's Agency, Familial Psychology, and Naturalism in George Gissing's The Nether World"
SECTION M 8:30-10:00 AM, Griski Room Other French and Belgian Naturalist Writers Philippe Chavasse (Southern Illinois University at Carbondale, USA): "'Un naturaliste enthousiaste': George Eekhoud dans Escal-Vigor" Amy Reid (New College of the University of South Florida, USA): Constructing the Ideal (as) Object: Huysmans' Triptychs" Francis Lacoste (Université de Bordeaux III, France): "Maupassant et le naturalisme" 10:00-10:15 AM BREAK SECTION N 10:15-12:15 PM, Griski Room Image, Motif, and Metaphor in French Naturalist Fiction Elizabeth Donato (Clarion University, USA): Rabâchage and Piétinement as Metaphorical Expressions of Bourgeois Mediocrity in J.-K. Huysmans' Naturalist Novels" Martine Kincaid (University of Cincinnati, USA): "Bel-Ami: le motif du bilboquet et la structure métaphorique" Pamela Wilson (California State University, Los Angeles, USA): "Through a Glass Starkly: Windows in Zola's Rougon-Macquart" Wojciech Tomasik (Casimir the Great Academy of Bydgoszcz, Poland): "La Bête humaine or the World Perceived through a Machine" 12:15-1:15 PM LUNCH SECTION O 2:00-4:00 PM, Griski Room New Critical Approaches to Zola's Text Janice Best (Acadia University, Canada); "...une soirée sanglante de cette fin de siècle" Marie-Sophie Armstrong (Lehigh University, USA): "Aux sources des Rougon-Macquart: L'espace de Réquillart dans Germinal" Véronique Cnockaert (Université du Québec à Montréal, Canada): "Du marbre et du chiffonné ou comment 'casser le nez aux déesses'" Lisa Ng (University of Calgary, Canada): "Le regard idéologique dans L'Assommoir d'Emile Zola" 4:00-4:15 PM BREAK SECTION P 4:15-6:15 PM, Griski Room Naturalism and the Arts Vasily Tolmatchoff (Lomonosov State University of Moscow, Russia): "Flaubert, 'Slice of Life' Aesthetic' and Naturalist Novels about Art" Patrick Cable (Cleveland Museum of Art, USA): "Caillebotte and Modern Realist Concerns during the First Impressionist Shows" Kevin Elstob (California State University, Sacramento, USA): "'Travail' a Video Documentary Project" Peter Kastner, Actor (USA) and Pauline Wahl Willis (University of Calgary, Canada): " Nobody Waved Good-bye, a Canadian Naturalist Film"
8:00-11:00 PM, Naturalist Dinner, Sheraton University City Hotel, Georgian Room Presentation of the AIZEN� Award for the Best Graduate Student Paper
SATURDAY, OCTOBER 6 SECTION Q 9:00-10:30 AM, Class of '49 Auditorium Panel: American Psycho: Literary and Cinematic Naturalist Approaches Tony Williams (Southern Illinois University at Carbondale, USA): "American Psycho: A Late 20th Naturalist Text" Steven Jay Schneider (Harvard University, USA): "I guess I'm a pretty sick guy.' Reconciling remorse in American Psycho" Philip Simpson (Brevard Community College, USA): "The Wilding One: American Ideology and Economic Violence in the Novel and Film American Psycho" 10:30-10:45 AM BREAK SECTION R 10:45-12:15 PM, Class of '49 Auditorium Film Adaptations of Zola's Novels Barbara Romanczuk (Ohio State University, USA): " Nana--The Lost Look" Gilbert Darbouze (Bloomsburg University, USA): "De la page à la pellicule: la transformation de Muffat" Sylvie L. Waskiewicz (New York University, USA): "Cola vs. Zola: Germinal and the Battle over 'French Exception'" 12:15-1:15 PM, LUNCH SECTION S 1:15-3:15 PM, Class of '49 Auditorium Panel: The Hero as Genius in Nineteenth-century France Adrianna M. Paliyenko (Colby College, USA): "Women, Poetry, and the Nature of Genius" Gayle A. Levy (University of Missouri-Kansas City, USA): "Articulating Balzac's Genius at the Crossroads of the Nineteenth Century" Elizabeth Emery (Montclair State University, USA): "'Le génie, c'est une névrose!' and Other Sayings: Genius, Society, and the Novel in Late Nineteenth-Century France" Peter Schulman (Old Dominion University, USA): "Eccentricity as Clinamen: Jules Verne's Error-Driven Geniuses" 3:15-3:30 PM BREAK SECTION T 3:30-5:30 PM, Class of '49 Auditorium Special Session: Theodore Dreiser Cary Hollinshead-Strick (University of Pennsylvania, USA): "If the Theater is a Brothel, What is the Critic? The Role of Journalism in Nana and Sister Carrie" Doran Larson (Hamilton College, USA): "Taylor-Made Girls: Eroticizing Scientific Management in Sister Carrie" Drew Limsky (New York University, USA): "Clinton as a Dreiser Hero"
SECTION U 9:00-10:30 AM, Ben Franklin Room Panel: Science and Sex: Desire in Zola and After Masha Belenky (Columbia University, USA): "Revenge of the Galloping Beast: Zola's Flore" Laura Spagnoli (University of Pennsylvania, USA): "Clotilde future: Creation and procreation in Le Docteur Pascal" Rachel Mesch (Barnard College, USA): "Rewriting Naturalist Desire: Lucie Delarue-Mardrus' Female bête humaine" 10:30-10:45 AM BREAK SECTION V 10:45-12:15 PM, Ben Franklin Room Spanish Naturalism Sharon L. Reeves (CUNY Graduate Center, CUNY, USA): "Zola's Influence in Late Nineteenth-Century Spain: Eduardo López Bago and 'Radical Naturalism'" Pilar V. Rotella (Chapman University, USA): "Picarism, Naturalism, Existentialism: Cela's The Family of Pascual Duarte" Jeffrey Oxford (University of North Texas, USA): "Camilo José Cela, Tremendismo, and Numerology: A Case Study" 12:15-1:15 PM LUNCH SECTION W 1:15-3:15 PM, Ben Franklin Room Naturalist Writers in the Americas Ligia Vassallo (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil): "Naturalisme dans la brousse" Carolyn Snipes-Hoyt (University of Lethbridge, Canada): "Le renversement du déterminisme naturaliste dans La Rivière sans repos de Gabrielle Roy" Shannon O. Cotrell (University of Texas at San Antonio, USA): "Solitude, Strife, and Nameless Protagonists: The Evolution of Jack London's Naturalism" Alexis Lutich (University of Texas at San Antonio, USA): "Imperfect Poets, Imperfect Politics: Romantic Political Ideology Faces Industrial Reality" 3:15-3:30 PM BREAK SECTION X 3:30-5:00 PM, Ben Franklin Room Special Session: L'uvre Janette K. Bayles (Utah State University, USA): "Functions of the Fantastic in Zola's L'uvre" Hélène Poiré (Université Laval, Canada): "Zola et Cézanne 'sur le motif': L'uvre réapprivoisée" Göran Blix (Columbia University, USA): "'Le trou dans L'uvre': Zola's Punctured Text"
Naturalist Film Festival 6:00-9:30 Ben Franklin Room Prisoner of Honor (Ken Russell, 1991, England, 90 min., in English) I Accuse (José Ferrer, 1958, USA, 120 min., in English)
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