About the AIZEN

Honorary President / Présidente honoraire

Anna Gural-Migdal is Professor Emerita of French Literature and Film at the University of Alberta.

She has published extensively on Zola, naturalism in literature and film, and French cinema.

Her main works are Émile Zola et Octave Mirbeau: regards croisés (with Sándor Kálai) (Classiques Garnier, 2019) L’Écrit-Écran des Rougon-Macquart. Conceptions iconiques et filmiques du roman chez Zola (Presses Universitaires du Septentrion, 2012), Zola et le texte naturaliste en Europe et aux Amériques (with Carolyn Snipes-Hoyt) (Edwin Mellen Press, 2006), Zola and Film. Essays in the Art of Adaptation (with Robert Singer; foreword by Brigitte-Émile Zola) (McFarland, 2005), Writing the Feminine in Zola and Naturalist Fiction (Peter Lang, 2004, 2nd edition), and Le Cinéma de Paul Tana. Parcours critiques (with Filippo Salvatore) (Balzac, 1997).

She was President of the Association Internationale Zola et Naturalisme (AIZEN) and Editor of its scholarly journal, Excavatio from 1999 to 2019.

Her promotion of Zola and naturalist studies across the world has received major international recognition. In 2013 she was knighted in the Order of the Academic Palms by France’s Minister of Education.